Optimise your measurements.
Improve your process control.
by usePAT!
usePAT GmbH optimises measurements of your probes in liquids with ultrasound and provides improved process control in the industrial environment.
The usePAT add-ons optimise in-line probes thanks to various PAT systems. This allows to avoid sensor contaminations to achieve accurate measurements with a high sensitivity. The so greatly improved selectivity generates high-quality real-time data from the process, which enables process control in the sense of Industry 4.0. Our technology uses precise ultrasonic fields within liquids for the spatial control of particles.
Industries and applications
News & Events
usePAT Questionnaire Analysis
Our 3-month survey on the use of probes in various industries showed exciting results.
Download the results directly here.
South32 at usePAT
In November, we had a great meeting with Glen Hanna from South32 (Australia). Finally in person - after having worked together with South32 for so long. We cannot wait for the upcoming next steps.
Seminar at Campus FH Wien
Michaela Radl took part in the seminar on the “Konzeption und Bemessung von Abwasserbehandlungsanlagen” at the FH Campus Wien and was able to take away exciting information.
Visit to the CPHI in Milan
Michaela Radl was at the CPHI in Milan from the 8th to the 19th of October. One of the largest pharmaceutical events in Europe.
Want to know more?
Book your personal one on one meeting