Blauer Rauch auf schwarzem Hintergrund.

News & Events


South32 at usePAT

In November, we had a great meeting with Glen Hanna from South32 (Australia). Finally in person - after having worked together with South32 for so long. We cannot wait for the upcoming next steps. 

Seminar at Campus FH Wien

Michaela Radl took part in the seminar on the “Konzeption und Bemessung von Abwasserbehandlungsanlagen” at the FH Campus Wien and was able to take away exciting information.

Visit to the CPHI in Milan

Michaela Radl was at the CPHI in Milan from the 8th to the 19th of October. One of the largest pharmaceutical events in Europe.

Our new video is online

Our short video about sonicclean keeping probes clean was filmed at the Korneuburg wastewater treatment plant.
Link to the video

Customer visits in Berlin

Two full days in Berlin for Stefan Radel and Georg Heinz. Customer visits and partnerships were refreshed and the next steps discussed. 

usePAT visits Syngenta in Münchwilen

Stefan Radel was on site at Syngenta in Münchwilen in July to discuss the latest developments in ultrasound-assisted real-time measurements.

Aqua Nederland 2024

Together with our partner we exhibited from
March 19-21, 2024 in Gorinchem (NL) at the Aqua Nederland fair.

usePAT Revue 2023

You can find a brief insight into the year 2023 in our usePAT review. Facts, figures and impressions at a glance. Click here to go directly to the magazine.

Customer visit from Octapharma

The new year started with a customer visit from Octapharma Austria. Exciting tests with meaningful results took place in our usePAT laboratory.


AK PAT Colloquium 2023

Dr. Michaela Radl and Dr. Stefan Radel attended the 18th Autumn Colloquium of the Process Analytics Working Group at the Niederrhein University of Applied Sciences in Krefeld and spent three interesting days with presentations, posters and exhibitors.

Mrs. Radl and Mr. Radel at their own stand at the 18th Autumn Colloquium at the Niederrhein University of Applied Scie

Takeda Event

We are delighted that we were able to take part in the Takeda event in Vienna last week:
Great R&D insights from experts and an exciting exchange. 
We look forward to further discussions in the future.

Dr Christoph Gasser at the Takeda event together with other participants.

Project "Startup Lehre" - Zoe

Zoe Fischer joins our team in the area of software as part of the Startup Lehre programme of the Austrian Trade Association ÖGV

Dr. Stefan Radel with Zoe Fischer

Young Entrepreneurs Award

We secured 10th place out of hundreds of entries and were honoured with the GEWINN Young Entrepreneurs Award at VERBUND AG's Vienna headquarters.

Photo: Pepo Schuster

Dr Stefan Radel and Stefan Tauber with the GEWINN Young Entrepreneur Award from VERBUND AG

Project "Startup Lehre" - Elif

We are pleased that Elif from AUVA is joining our team for the attendance phase in the ÖGV's Startup Lehre project.

Founder Georg Heinz and Elif from AUVA.

SPhERe 2023

Dr Stefan Radel and Dr Michaela Radl attended SPhERe, the International Symposium on Pharmaceutical Engineering Research, from 18 to 20 October in Braunschweig and presented an exciting paper. #SPhERe

Dr Stefan Radel and Dr Michaela Radl at the SPhERe in Braunschweig.

Phönix Awards 2023

We made it into the top 5 in the Spin-Off category of the Phoenix Awards 2023. With a total of 181 participants, this is a great success. #Phoenix2023

Photo: AWS / Marko Kovic

Founders Georg Heinz and Stefan Radel at the usePAT stand at the Phoenix Awards

ILMAC in Basel

Thank you, ILMAC Basel, for three exciting days and valuable life science contacts! See you next year.  #ILMAC2023 

Der usePAT Messestand auf der ILMAC Messe in Basel

Vienna Night Run

Great run together of the usePAT team at the Vienna Night Run on 19.09.2023